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Carol Smith
Coldwater Indian Band

Carol Smith is a member of Coldwater Band. She is the mother of six children, grandmother to more than 22, and great grandmother
to six. She loves to read, preserve food, and loves spending time with her family.

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William Sandy
Lower Nicola Indian Band

William Sandy is a member of the Lower Nicola Indian Band Chief and Council. He graduated from the Nicola Valley Institute of Technology with a Bachelor of Social Work Degree in 2017 and is currently taking the nleʔkepmx Language Fluency Diploma at NVIT.

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Susan Manuel
Upper Nicola Indian Band

Susan Manuel is a member of the Upper Nicola Band. She has been the Lands, Wills, & Estates Manager for the Upper Nicola Band since January 2019. This past year, Susan completed her second year of Lands Management training through the
The University of Saskatchewan and the National Aboriginal Lands Managers Association.

Olivia Buck
Nooaitch Indian Band

Olivia Buck is a member of the Nooaitch Indian Band. She has had the honour of being on the Board for the last 6 years. She has an administrative & legal background with dual diplomas and several decades of work experience in her fields of study.

Scw'exmx Child & Family Services Society

We are all somebody's 7th generation.
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